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About this game

I am a web developer from Warsaw, Poland. On a daily basis I work as a backend dev on larger and smaller projects of web apps and websites. When I need a break, I relax working on things like this game. It started as a really simple retro-style arcade game, but I couldn't resist experimenting, adding more and more features and improving the graphics. It has changed a lot since then.

It's built using HTML5 and object-oriented JavaScript - no game engine or framework (except jQuery, mostly for main menu). All the objects (spaceships, bullets, enemies, meteors etc) are actual HTML elements, mostly DIVs and IMGs. The fact that I did not use canvas instead had a terrible effect on performance. It also forced me to perform a series of acrobatic performance optimizations. It's been a very informative and valuable experience, although I can fully recommend using canvas for browser game projects instead.

Hope you enjoy it. Any feedback (hate speech included) much appreciated.

More games: Foxfactory Games

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